Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ashton's First Deer

Well, its been a while since I have updated. I need to try and get Mickey to take over the blog. Ashton and I had a great hunt. He was able to hunt out on some incredible private land bordered by the CWMU, that he is tied into, through his dad's family. We saw quite a few bucks during the hunt. The second night of the hunt, we were able to take Jens, Devan and Tanner with us as well.

We bumped into Cousin Brad Harris after leaving the truck. As we were shooting the bull for a few minutes, we had two bucks start fighting on the edge of the cedars. Ashton was the first to spot them. I ranged them at 168 yards. Ashton waited for them to split up and held right on the top of the back of the one standing broadside. The rest is history. He double lunged the buck and he went only 20 yards.

I am real proud of Ashton. It was great to have some of the boys best buds with us as well.